Well Next, my front teeth is giving me problem. The dentist help me to remove the stained due to excess of it. And she is so kind to charge me FOC as i've been there the 2nd time. I gonna polish it white when i enough saving.
It was so touched that baby bought 白枫丸 for me to 补血 after every month menses. This weekends ,he took me to doctor & dentist,bought me my needs , drive me to buy the foods i always eat. He dote me more than my mum do. I even make a fuss out of it bcos i was so bored and insist him to bring me over for shopping in the night time. He told me he was really tired , and i was being unreasonable without understand his tiredness. Instead he made apologies to me and promied to bring me next week. He has been busy all day long , helped out his mom ..wash car / toilet/ mop floor. I felt so bad now.
Understand if i'm with other guy now , i've already ended break up so many times. Bcos i know not all guys are patient and nice like him. Even it will , it only last for a short period.
Ten reasons why i love him.
- 他大多数会让我,不会为一点小事而跟我吵架。
- 无论他多穷,他不回让我饿肚子。
- 不管他多么的气,他从来都没有大声的骂过我或和我说话。
- 他尊敬我,买东西还是做事情前都会跟我商量。
- 他很大方,完全不会为了金钱伤感情。有时赚多余的钱会给我买我喜欢的东西。
- 他特别爱干净,看到一点脏就立刻去洗。家务事样样都难不到他。
- 他很勤劳,每次我累的时候,他总是会帮我洗衣服。
- 他对我很有耐心,从来不会嫌我烦。我在短讯怎样骂他,他都不会生气,我也不知道为什么。
- 他很细心,如果食物很汤,他会说:小心汤!拿累了包包,他会帮我拿。衣服破洞,他会帮我逢。
- 他从来不会欺骗我,去pub会说老实话,也没有背叛过我。